Use Triton Docker on Cloudcontainers
Created by Admin at 15-05-2020 12:12:36 +0200To start using Docker together with cloudcontainers you will need to install the correct client environment. This is a how-to for Mac OS X users.
To start working with Docker on cloudcontainers you will need a public and private key. The steps below show how to create these using SSH.
Create new SSH key
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/fred/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /Users/fred/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /Users/fred/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: SHA256:QY70IGYN3O4DbDRrXzc0wKMQsOpkDzrYvWKgR53pb5s [...]
Upload public SSH key to cloudcontainers
From the top menu, click on your account name and select "Manage account". Click the tab "SSH keys" and review any existing keys. It is very common for keys to show more than once, as they are reported for every datacenter.
For "Key Name", enter a name for easy recognition in the future (an email address such as is often a good choice).
For "Key Value", enter the contents of the that you just created. Click the button "Add new key", and review the new entries.
Basic steps to start working with Docker, if you are on Mac OS X.
- ✴ Install Node JS
- ✴ Install Trion CLI
- ✴ Install Triton Docker CLI
You will need Admin privileges to run various installers, and the ability to run installation scripts with 'sudo'.
Install Node JS
Download the LTS version of Node JS from and run the installer.
$ node -v v8.11.2 $ npm -v 5.6.0
Install Triton CLI
Use standard NPM command to install the latest version of the Triton CLI.
$ sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g triton
Create a new profile
Use the triton command to save connection information as a new profile. You will need to supply the following information.
- ✴ A short name to recognize the new profile.
- ✴ URL for the datacenter you want to use.
- ✴ Your account name.
- ✴ The SSH key to make connections.
$ triton profile create A profile name. A short string to identify this profile to the `triton` command. name: cloud1
The CloudAPI endpoint URL. url: https://
Your account login name. account: intcorp
The fingerprint of the SSH key you want to use to authenticate with CloudAPI. Specify the fingerprint or the index of one of the found keys in the list below. If the key you want to use is not listed, make sure it is either saved in your SSH keys directory (~/.ssh) or loaded into your SSH agent.
1. Fingerprint "8c:40:af:c0:a7:3f:b8:a0:32:74:44:b7:64:e7:95:d5" (2048-bit RSA) - in homedir: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa (comment "")
keyId: 1 Using key 1: 8c:40:af:c0:a7:3f:b8:a0:32:74:44:b7:64:e7:95:d5
Saved profile "cloud1". # Docker setup
This section will setup authentication to Triton DataCenter's Docker endpoint using your account and key information specified above. [...]
Continue? [y/n] n
The last question asks us if we immediately want to configure Docker settings. Answer no for the time being.
Use the new profile
Let us try a few Triton CLI commands to test the new setup.
$ triton profile get $ triton info $ triton ls
Set up Docker configuration
$ triton profile docker-setup
The configuration files that were just created will be needed for the next step.
Install Triton Docker CLIInstall CLI
Download the first install script and run it.
$ sudo bash --verbose -c 'curl --verbose --output /usr/local/bin/triton-docker \'
$ sudo bash -c 'chmod +x /usr/local/bin/triton-docker'
$ sudo bash -c 'ln -Fs /usr/local/bin/triton-docker /usr/local/bin/triton-compose'$ sudo bash -c 'ln -Fs /usr/local/bin/triton-docker /usr/local/bin/triton-docker-install'
Now run the second part.
$ sudo triton-docker-install
Sanity checks
We are almost ready to start creating containers using Docker. Let us see if the commands below report on
- ✴ Basic information about Docker
- ✴ Versions on client and server
- ✴ Previously created Docker containers
- ✴ Network information
No command should produce an error.
$ triton-docker info $ triton-docker version $ triton-docker ps -a $ triton-docker network ls
Web server 'nginx' can serve as a simple start. Let us use the 'run' command to start one. Among the options we provide,
✴ the flag -d tells Docker to detach the container, so our command prompt returns while the container keeps
✴ the flag -p 80 tells Docker to expose the port 80 for HTTP traffic
✴ the flag --name My-Fabric-Network tells Docker where to allocate a private IP address
$ triton-docker run -d -p 80 --network My-Fabric-Network --name webserver nginx 73c36e... $ triton-docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' webserver
The second command reveals the IP address that was allocated to your new container. Copy and paste it in your browser, and you will see the "Welcome to nginx!" message as a greeting.
We can inspect the application's log files.
$ triton-docker logs -tf webserver
2018-05-22T08:19:10.409770000Z - - [22/May/2018:08:19:10 +0000] "GET / favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 170 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv: 60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0" "-"
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